Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Classic Intensives Class Nov. 19th - GUEST SPEAKER and preparation

Nov. 19th Classic Intensives 

Class Preparation

Next week for our November 19th Classic Intensives class, we are 
SO LUCKY to have artist Andrew Kosorok be our GUEST SPEAKER.
 We are inviting Brother Williams Scholar class to join us. 

We will have our colloquium of Walking Drum first, with Mitch leading 
our discussion. So come prepared having read the book with things 
marked up in your book and ready to talk about it.

In preparation for our guest speaker, please read the following articles 
(just search lds.org by the title):

  • A Latter-daySaint Perspective on Muhammad by James A. Toronto
  • Building Bridges of Understanding: The Church and the World of Islam,                                                                                                                               Introduction of Dr. Alwi Shihab by President Boyd K. Packer
  • Happiness, Your Heritage  by President Uchtdorf (he was talking to the                                                                                                                 women of the church, but the ideas on creativity apply to us all.
Also, read the following about Artist Andrew Kosorok. It is a past press 
release from the BYU Library:


Qur'an's “99 Most Beautiful Names” by artist Andrew Kosorok

Brigham Young University’s Harold B. Lee Library will be showcasing a new exhibit, “99 Most Beautiful Names.” The exhibit is free and located on the first floor in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections. The exhibit will be open until September 2010.
The exhibit depicts sculptures created by BYU alumnus Andrew Kosorok that represent the various names of God inspired by the Qur'an and the Islamic religion. The sculptures are made from etched and fired glass.
Kosorok’s work explores the similarities between Islam and Christianity. His sculptures discover those similarities and focus on the 99 most beautiful names found in the Quran. These names are used by Muslims as guides for characteristics to strive for in their own lives.
He uses his artwork as a means of understanding different cultures and the relationship between the temporal and divine, hoping to build common bonds between individuals.
Kosorok received both a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in sculpture with an emphasis in sculptural stained glass and a Master of Fine Arts degree from BYU.

As we have been studying the rise of Islam in our history and the setting for our classic this month, Walking Drum, is Moorish (Islamic) Spain during the Midde Ages, Andrew Kosorok's topic is timely. Not to mention today's current events and tensions. As future leaders we must understand and seek to bridge the gap between Christians and Moslems.  

Also, as a reminder, make sure you are attentive and respectful of our guest speaker. He is taking time out of his busy schedule and we want to welcome him and treat him with the utmost respect. We want to leave him with a positive impression of you as homeschooled scholars.

1. Don't talk to your neighbor while he's talking - it's rude and distracting. I know you love to talk together, but restrain yourselves :)
2. Listen and ask questions. Be attentive. Be curious. The articles will help pique your interest.
3. Don't interupt him by standing up, walking around or rocking on your chair. Be mature scholars as you listen to what he has to say.

Click here to download
Works by Andrew Kosorok that represent the various names of God inspired by the Qur'an are now on display at the Lee Library

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