Party Requirements: Scholar Skills Class
Finish the assignment given in November to read-in-a-scholarly-way the article "Seek Learning By Faith" by Elder Bednar. By "read-in-a-scholarly-way" I mean that you'll follow the following pattern explained in The Well Educated Mind Chapter 4. Here are the steps to the pattern - remember we walked through these in class together for the first section of the article. Now get to on your own go through the whole article, section by section:
- Read through the entire article all the way through while completing the following steps.
- As you read through the article, underline, jot notes in the margins, mark up the article with the things you find interesting or important. Fold down or put a sticky tab on pages that are hard to understand.
- As you read through the article, stop at the end of each section (you determine what those are - loosely the article is divided up by headings throughout. Those seem like good sections to me). In your scholar journal or notebook, jot down a sentence or two that summarizes the section's content, main assertion, or message of that section. You are re-saying what Elder Bednar said. Include the section number (go through and number each section for reference).
- As you read through the article, record in your scholar journal questions that come to your mind, insights, connections, patterns, themes, disagreements or agreements, or thoughts you have about what you read. This is the part where you record your ideas - have a conversation with yourself and Elder Bednar about what he was saying. Important: your ideas should be visually different than your summary of the ideas from #3 above. You can use different colors for #3 and #4, draw a line down the page and put your summaries on one side and your journaling (reactions, thoughts, insights, connections etc.) down the other, or keep a separate notebook for summaries and a scholar journal for your reactions/thoughts about what you read.
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